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What is a Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review?

Date: Wednesday, 22nd Mar 2023 | Category: General


Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) have been replaced by Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews. The guidance and criteria for carrying out reviews has also changed. When a child dies or is seriously harmed in circumstances where abuse or neglect are known or suspected, Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships are required to consider if a Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR) is appropriate to consider the involvement of organisations and professionals with the child and family.

The purpose of each review is to:

  • Identify improvements to be made to safeguard and promote the welfare of children;
  • Seek to prevent or reduce the risk of recurrence of similar incidents;
  • Establish whether there are lessons to be learned from the case about the way in which local professionals and organisations work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children;
  • Identify clearly what those lessons are, how they will be acted upon, and what is expected to change as a result and;
  • As a consequence, to improve inter-agency working and better safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews are learning exercises and not investigations to find out who is to blame for things going wrong, with the overall purpose being that of improving practice.

LCSPR reports and 7-minute briefings are published on the GSCP website Published reviews – Greenwich Safeguarding Children Partnership