The London Safeguarding Children Procedures Updates
The London Safeguarding Children Procedures are normally updated on a 6-monthly basis. The most recent update took place on 3rd October 2022 and the changes can be viewed in the section Amendments & Archives. You will also find that, in the future, you need to use the new title, “London Safeguarding Children Procedures”, rather than “London Child Protection Procedures” when searching on the internet.
There are now three main headings:
• Core Procedures – the order remains the same but two additional chapters have been added – 1) Risk management of known offenders and 2) Information sharing guidance.
• Safeguarding Partnership Arrangements includes agency responsibilities and partnership arrangements.
• Practice Guidance – is now in alphabetical order with shorter titles in the index which hopefully makes it easier to locate what you are looking for.
Amendments have been made to the following chapters;
Referral and Assessment:
Sections 5, Assessment of Children in Need or in Need of Protection and Section 6, Pre-birth Referral and Assessment were amended to note the risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) and how professionals will address these risks with the parent(s).
Child Protection S47 enquiries:
This chapter was updated to clarify the responsibilities in conducting section 47 enquiries where there are cross boundary issues. Section 5, Initiating a s47 Enquiry was amended to include consideration of the risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) and how professionals will address that risk with the parent(s).
Child Protection Conferences:
Section 9, The Child Protection Plan was amended to note the risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) and how professionals will address these risks with the parent(s).
Children and Families moving across Local Authority boundaries:
This chapter was revised to clarify responsibilities where cases involve agencies from more than one borough.
Allegations against staff or volunteers:
This chapter was updated as the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 has extended the definition of Position of Trust within the Sexual Offences Act 2003 section 22A to include anyone who coaches, teaches, trains, supervises or instructs a child under 18, on a regular basis, in a sport or a religion.
Information sharing guidance:
A presentation to assist with training staff was added to the Further Information section (Information Sharing Guidance – An Introductory Presentation).
Roles and Responsibilities:
This chapter was updated as the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 has extended the definition of Position of Trust within the Sexual Offences Act 2003 section 22A to include anyone who coaches, teaches, trains, supervises or instructs a child under 18, on a regular basis, in a sport or a religion. Links were also added to the HMPP Child Safeguarding Policy.
Safe recruitment and selection; and management of adults that work with children:
The guidance on additional checks for schools was amended in accordance with KCSIE 2022 to include the need for an online search as part of their recruitment process as part of their due diligence.
Sexual Exploitation:
This chapter was revised as the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 has extended the definition of Position of Trust within the Sexual Offences Act 2003 section 22A to include anyone who coaches, teaches, trains, supervises or instructs a child under 18, on a regular basis, in a sport or a religion. Links to the latest version of The London Child Exploitation Operating Protocol 2021 have also been updated.
Sexually Active Children:
A link was added to the Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service – an online support service for professionals who are working with children and young people who are displaying harmful sexual behaviours.
More information can be found here: London Safeguarding Children Procedures