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Safeguarding Children Training

Date: Thursday, 29th Jun 2023 | Category: General

We know that safeguarding is everyone’s business, however sometimes people only think that teams within Children’s Services or those working directly with children should undergo safeguarding training. It is important that all staff who have any contact with children and their families are trained on how to safeguard children and young people.

Over 600 staff across the Repairs and Investment Service within the Royal Borough of Greenwich Housing and Safer Communities directorate have recently undergone a Children and Adult’s Safeguarding Training refresher course. All trades staff, administrative and office staff and, all management received the training tailored especially for the service.  Caretaking and other concierge staff will also be undertaking the training in the next few months.

If you would like support on how to access safeguarding training for your service or team, please email

London Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) Training

The LSCP will shortly have new training being added to the Safeguarding Children Programme; to include some repeated topics as well as some brand-new ones, all to take place in the Autumn.

We also have two sessions for July:

Fri, 14 July 2023, 09:30 – 12:30 Mental Health and Parenting


Delivered by Petra Harding, Operational Team Lead, Perinatal Mental Health Team, Newham University Hospital


Please book using this link:


Tue, 18 July 2023, 10:00 – 13:00 DBS – Playing a part in safer recruitment


Delivered by Kiran Rehal is the DBS Regional Outreach Adviser for Greater London


Please book using this link: