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Reducing Parental Conflict

Date: Wednesday, 20th Jul 2022 | Category: General






There is strong evidence that conflict between parents – whether together or separated – can have a significant negative impact on children’s mental health and long-term life chances. Not all conflict is damaging, but where this is frequent, intense and poorly resolved it can harm children’s outcomes.

The Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) programme is aimed at conflict below the threshold of domestic abuse.

The GSCP DWP grant for delivering RPC training has now ended. Hopefully some you attended the training or someone in your team attended the train the trainer sessions and have shared information within your teams. Tavistock relationships have recorded a webcasts which will be added to the series of GSCP webcasts and e-learning launching in the next few weeks. There is also a dedicated page on our website. Reducing Parental Conflict – Greenwich Safeguarding Children Partnership

Find out what reducing parental conflict is and how it is different to domestic abuse here. Reducing Parental Conflict: what is parental conflict?

Explore the impact of parental conflict on children and young people here. Reducing Parental Conflict: the impact on children

Find out about the impact of parental conflict on local services, including education, health and social care, court systems, and drug and alcohol services here. Reducing Parental Conflict: the impact on local services 

Watch the video to find out more about why reducing parental conflict matters to children and to services. Reducing parental conflict: why it matters to children and why it matters to services