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NHS Digital Mental Health Bulletin Annual Report

Date: Tuesday, 31st Jan 2023 | Category: General



NHS Digital published their Mental Health Bulletin 2021-22 Annual Report last month, which provides a detailed picture of people who used NHS funded secondary mental health, learning disabilities and autism services in England during the financial year 2021-22.


Key findings for children and young people aged under 18 years old include;

• 22.8% of 16 year old females (69,580) and 20.5% of 17 year old females (60,952) in England were known to be in contact with secondary mental health, learning disabilities or autism services during 2021-22.

• 12.6% of 16 year old males (40,611) and 12.0% of 17 year old males (37,743) in England were known to be in contact with these services.

• The number of in-year bed days for females aged 16 to 17 known to be in contact with secondary mental health, learning disabilities or autism services during 2021-22 were 153,509.

• The number of in-year bed days for males aged 16 to 17 known to be in contact with secondary mental health, learning disabilities or autism services during 2020-21 were 33,786.

Read the full report here.