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Gifting Greenwich Council with 20 Christmas Hampers for young Care experienced mothers

Date: Thursday, 15th Dec 2022 | Category: General






Please see the below message from Kim, one of Greenwich’s Care Leavers who is doing fabulous work. Kim came along to the SELTP conference at Goldsmiths this summer and spoke so eloquently about her experiences and is a key member of the Greenwich Care Leavers Forum and does brilliant work for them so it would be really good if as many people as possible could support her and Henrietta’s initiative to donate hampers to Care Experienced Mums this Christmas-there are lots of not too expensive items and every little helps (believe that’s a slogan!) as we know it’s a big ask at this time of year.

If when you click on the link it defaults to your own Amazon account (if you have one) and your own addresses the address to send donations to is:

Henrietta Imoreh

Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill, London SW11 5TN

Message from Kim:

Good afternoon all,

 My name is Kim Emenike (I am sure you all know me very well) . I am a care experienced individual who is passionate about supporting the care experienced community.

 As we are in the run up to Christmas, I am very aware that Christmas can be such a difficult time for care-experienced young people especially this year, with the cost of living crisis. This year Henrietta Imoreh (one of my care experienced friends) and I have decided that we would like to support care-experienced mothers during this festive season!

 We have set ourselves an ambitious goal of creating 100 Christmas hampers for 5 local authorities in London to support care experienced mothers.

 We have decided that we would like to gift Greenwich Council with 20 Hampers for care experienced mothers. Please let us know if you are interested in receiving these hampers or not and how we can drop them off to you. We are working against the clock, ideally we would love to give you the hampers before Christmas but there is a chance we may have to give you the hampers after Christmas as there is a lot of organising to do.

As this is a big project, we are still looking for volunteers to help with creating and delivering the hampers as well as donations and buying items for the hampers.

Please see our Amazon gift wishlist and email address

100 Christmas Hampers for care experienced mothers’ Baby Wishlist

 100 Christmas hampers mothers in care and for young mothers in care in care’s Baby Wishlist

If you click on the link it should come up with the below! But if not please send to Henrietta Imoreh, Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill, London SW11 5TN

Please share with you networks too if possible.

Help us to help care experienced mothers to experience a lovely Christmas this year! ?

Thank you so much for supporting our initiative!! 

We really appreciate it !!

Kim x