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Children and Young People: Running Away and Going Missing

Children and young people run away or go missing for lots of reasons.

If you’re thinking of running away, are currently missing or being forced to leave home, you should talk to a trusted adult. If you can’t or don’t want to talk to a trusted adult, there are helplines where you can talk about your problems and get advice:

Call the Missing People helpline on 116 000

Talk to a Childline Counsellor on 0800 1111

You can download the GSCP Guidance on Missing here. 

The runaway helpline has information and advice on different issues which may mean you are thinking of, or have, run away Advice – Runaway Helpline

The Children’s Society have information about running away, including the possible consequences and other options you may have I Am Thinking Of Running Away | The Children’s Society (

Childline have information, advice and support if you are thinking of running away, have already run away or are thinking of returning home after running away Running away | Childline