Adultification Bias within Child Protection and Safeguarding
HM Inspectorate of Probation has commissioned and published an ‘academic insight’ report for those interested in evidence based work. The report is aimed at Probation and youth offending services, however is relevant across all agencies. The issue of adultification is highlighted as an issue requiring further training and awareness in the recent Child Q CSPR by Hackney and City council.
The report highlights adultification bias, its links to racialised discrimination, and how it can impact upon child protection and safeguarding practices.
Crucially, application of adultification bias results in children’s rights being diminished or ignored, with notions of innocence and vulnerability displaced by notions of responsibility and culpability. The Professional Inter-Adultification Model is introduced which emphasises the importance of professional and organisational curiosity, critical thinking, and reflection.
The model includes the further concept of intersectionality to encourage professionals to explore how the intersections of race/ethnicity, sexuality, class, gender, dis/abilities, and wider lived experiences may have impacted upon the lives of individual children. At an organisational level, it is imperative that leaders model equity, diversity and inclusion, and embrace both critical challenge and accountability.
Read the full report here: Adultification bias within child protection and safeguarding