Parents of Children with SEND
The Local Offer lists services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in the borough of Greenwich Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer | Greenwich Community Directory
Skybadger contains accessible information on disability rights and the law in relation to children with SEND.
The NSPCC and The National Autistic Society have joined forces and developed an autism-specific version of the popular resource, PANTS. This version of the Underwear Rule provides parents of children on autism the spectrum with additional guidance on how they can keep them safe from abuse. Click here to be redirected. The site also contains easy read documents on the underwear rule for children and young people with learning disabilities.
ARC have developed an easy read booklet for people with a learning disability, families and carers. It is a booklet for people to share and go through together and talk about. This booklet talks about a type of Disability Hate Crime called ‘Mate Crime’ – which means that sometimes friends are fake. Friend-or-Fake-Booklet.