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Children & Young People: Feelings, Emotional Well-being and Mental Health

Kooth is a free, safe, and anonymous online mental health and well-being service available to all young people in Greenwich aged 10-25.

On Kooth, young people can access counselling from BACP accredited therapists up to 10pm every night, 365 days a year, as well as accessing other key features of support such as an online interactive magazine, discussion boards, self-help tools, and wellbeing activities.

No referral is needed and young people can register independently at to access the support.

The Kooth Summary can be downloaded, printed and displayed and/or shared. It provides a quick overview of the support available on Kooth and how to sign up.



We all have feelings, but sometimes our feelings can become too big or out of control.
Childline has information and advice around different feelings you may experience. Click here to find out more.

Young Minds is a charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health. Their website has information on different feelings, how to cope with them and where to go if you need support. Click here to visit their website and get support.

Emotional Wellbeing

Emotional Wellbeing is the ability to handle and manage your feelings in a positive way.
The Samaritans website has information on emotional well-being for young people which can be found by clicking here.

You can also find tips, advice and activities for emotional well-being on The Children’s Society website.

Mental Health

Everyone has mental health. Sometimes our mental health is good and sometimes it isn’t. Mental health can be complicated because it’s about how we think, feel and act, which is always changing.

The Mix have information about mental health here Mental Health – The Mix

Young Minds has information on different mental health conditions Mental Health Conditions | Signs and Symptoms | YoungMinds 

BBC bitesize has articles and videos on Mental Health and wellbeing. Mental health and wellbeing – BBC Bitesize

Childline has information on making a Metal Health first aid kit, which could help you to cope when things are tough Mental Health First Aid Kit | Childline

The Anna Feud Centre has coping strategies and self-care ideas that you could use to look after your mental health Self Care, Anxiety, Depression, Coping Strategies | On My Mind | Anna Freud Centre