Welcome to the latest issue of the GSCP newsletter.


You may have seen that the Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse was published this week. This as an important report outlining decades of appalling abuse and treatment of children by those who should have protected them. There are a number of recommendations to government which the Safeguarding executive will keep a close watching brief on. Within our own safeguarding partnership, we need to ensure that our child protection and support services together with our universal provision such as schools, health settings, children’s centres, youth hubs and other VCS services all work together to prevent abuse, identify victims, and provide support when needed. It is only through strong partnership working can we ensure effective safeguarding and child protection systems and support for children are in place.


I and, the Strategic Leadership Group attended a regional roundtable meeting with the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel this month – it was a great opportunity to come together with colleagues to share learning and discuss shared challenges. We will be reviewing the latest guidance from the National Review Panel in our working groups, so there will be the opportunity for colleagues across the partnership to help us shape our response to these recommendations.


The Association of London Directors of Children’s Services and the London Innovation and Improvement Alliance recently published ‘Adolescent safeguarding in London’. Adolescent Safeguarding in London is a handbook about understanding and valuing the lived experience and diversity of young Londoners. Click here to view the handbook.


Please take the time to read the news posts below and, visit the GSCP Training webpage to view the various sessions available throughout November.


Nicky Pace
Independent Chair

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GSCP Newsletter October 2022

Welcome to the latest issue of the GSCP newsletter.


You may have seen that the Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse was published this week. This as an important report outlining decades of appalling abuse and treatment of children by those who should have protected them. There are a number of recommendations to government which the Safeguarding executive will keep a close watching brief on. Within our own safeguarding partnership, we need to ensure that our child protection and support services together with our universal provision such as schools, health settings, children’s centres, youth hubs and other VCS services all work together to prevent abuse, identify victims, and provide support when needed. It is only through strong partnership working can we ensure effective safeguarding and child protection systems and support for children are in place.


I and, the Strategic Leadership Group attended a regional roundtable meeting with the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel this month – it was a great opportunity to come together with colleagues to share learning and discuss shared challenges. We will be reviewing the latest guidance from the National Review Panel in our working groups, so there will be the opportunity for colleagues across the partnership to help us shape our response to these recommendations.


The Association of London Directors of Children’s Services and the London Innovation and Improvement Alliance recently published ‘Adolescent safeguarding in London’. Adolescent Safeguarding in London is a handbook about understanding and valuing the lived experience and diversity of young Londoners. Click here to view the handbook.


Please take the time to read the news posts below and, visit the GSCP Training webpage to view the various sessions available throughout November.


Nicky Pace
Independent Chair

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