Welcome to the latest issue of the GSCP newsletter!


As you will have seen in previous newsletters, in April I moved into a new role as the Greenwich Safeguarding Children Partnership Independent Chair (from the role of Independent Scrutineer), to support us with strengthening our work across the partnership. I look forward to continuing to work with you all in this new role.

Greenwich Children’s Safeguarding Partnership (GSCP) and Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) have worked collaboratively to create the ‘See the Adult, See the Child’ guidance which details how to identify and respond to concerns about an adult or child at risk. It had its official launch on 6th July and there will be lunchtime Workshops at various locations in the borough, to raise awareness of the guidance and have smaller group discussions about utilising them in practice. These sessions will be delivered by the SAB Manger and GSCP Professional Advisors.


The dates are:
• Thursday 8th September 12:00 -13:30 The Woolwich Centre in the Gallery
• Tuesday 13th September 13:00 -14:30 Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Education Centre
• Wednesday 28th September 12:30 -14:00 The Woolwich Centre in the Gallery
• Wednesday 5th October 12:30 -14:00 Metro Charity, Woolwich
• Tuesday 11th October 12:00 -13:30 Memorial Hospital, Room 4
• Thursday 20th October 12:00 -13:30 Virtual via MS Teams


Please book via the GSCP online learning management system.


In May’s newsletter we shared a link to the updated London Child Protection Procedures which included a significant new chapter on information sharing which in light of the recently published National Panel report on Star and Arthur, is important for us all to know and understand. Please take the time to read the new chapter. 


The Development, Monitoring and Challenge group met last month to discuss the need to better align our strategic priorities with existing delivery structures with a view to increase transparency and accountability for agreed actions. The meeting was very useful and as a result, the GSCP Business Unit will be reviewing existing work-group structures and developing proposals that enable us to better fulfil statutory obligations as well as more effectively taking forward actions in response to agreed priorities. This is a really opportune time to consider how we work as a partnership in Greenwich to collectively safeguard children, in light of the recent report from the National Panel and learning arising from the reviews on Arthur and Star, as well as the Care Review ; I will keep you updated on this work.


As well as links to the various information and news, in this newsletter you will also find details of the latest training available for all partners. Please share across your organisation.


Nicky Pace
GSCP Independent Chair







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GSCP July 2022 Newsletter
Welcome to the latest edition of the GSCP Newsletter

Welcome to the latest issue of the GSCP newsletter!


As you will have seen in previous newsletters, in April I moved into a new role as the Greenwich Safeguarding Children Partnership Independent Chair (from the role of Independent Scrutineer), to support us with strengthening our work across the partnership. I look forward to continuing to work with you all in this new role.

Greenwich Children’s Safeguarding Partnership (GSCP) and Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) have worked collaboratively to create the ‘See the Adult, See the Child’ guidance which details how to identify and respond to concerns about an adult or child at risk. It had its official launch on 6th July and there will be lunchtime Workshops at various locations in the borough, to raise awareness of the guidance and have smaller group discussions about utilising them in practice. These sessions will be delivered by the SAB Manger and GSCP Professional Advisors.


The dates are:
• Thursday 8th September 12:00 -13:30 The Woolwich Centre in the Gallery
• Tuesday 13th September 13:00 -14:30 Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Education Centre
• Wednesday 28th September 12:30 -14:00 The Woolwich Centre in the Gallery
• Wednesday 5th October 12:30 -14:00 Metro Charity, Woolwich
• Tuesday 11th October 12:00 -13:30 Memorial Hospital, Room 4
• Thursday 20th October 12:00 -13:30 Virtual via MS Teams


Please book via the GSCP online learning management system.


In May’s newsletter we shared a link to the updated London Child Protection Procedures which included a significant new chapter on information sharing which in light of the recently published National Panel report on Star and Arthur, is important for us all to know and understand. Please take the time to read the new chapter. 


The Development, Monitoring and Challenge group met last month to discuss the need to better align our strategic priorities with existing delivery structures with a view to increase transparency and accountability for agreed actions. The meeting was very useful and as a result, the GSCP Business Unit will be reviewing existing work-group structures and developing proposals that enable us to better fulfil statutory obligations as well as more effectively taking forward actions in response to agreed priorities. This is a really opportune time to consider how we work as a partnership in Greenwich to collectively safeguard children, in light of the recent report from the National Panel and learning arising from the reviews on Arthur and Star, as well as the Care Review ; I will keep you updated on this work.


As well as links to the various information and news, in this newsletter you will also find details of the latest training available for all partners. Please share across your organisation.


Nicky Pace
GSCP Independent Chair







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