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Tri-Force Autism Alert Card Scheme

Date: Tuesday, 31st Jan 2023 | Category: General






An alert card and passport scheme aimed at improving how police interact with autistic people has been introduced across London. The scheme is the result of a collaboration between the Metropolitan Police Service, City of London Police and British Transport Police. It has been developed following extensive consultation with individuals with autism and their parents, the National Autistic Society, Autism Partnership Boards and other partner agencies and, it is supported by the National Police Autism Association.

Autism Alert Cards will identify the cardholder as having an autism spectrum disorder and include basic information such as the person’s name and contact details for an appropriate adult. The aim is to provide officers and staff with the necessary information to assist their understanding and effective interaction during police contact. The cards will alert officers to the fact that the person may have difficulty with communication and exhibit unusual or unpredictable behaviour. In turn, officers will be able to make appropriate and reasonable adjustments and interact with the individual appropriately. The card also details how autism manifests and provides practical advice for the officer involved. The alert cards, and larger ‘passports’ carrying the same information, will be distributed and made available through autistic partnership boards and local police across the capital.

For more information about the scheme and how to obtain a card, email

Find out more here: Alert Card Schemes | National Police Autism Association (