New Management Structure
We have moved! Greenwich Council now has a new division of Children’s Services– Quality Improvement, who the GSCP now sit under.
The new Assistant Director, Karl Mittelstadt, joined Greenwich Council in April. Olajumoke Hemsely, who is the new Head of Partnership, Policy, Research and Planning, also moved into her role in April.
We would like to say a huge thank you to Teresa Doherty and Henrietta Quartano for their line management and are looking forward to continuing to work with them in the partnership as Children’s Services Representatives.
GSCP Training
The GSCP have the following training sessions available this month:
• Freedom Programme Taster Session
• Understanding Serious Youth Violence: The Impact on Mental Health and Vulnerability of Young People
• Safeguarding Children: 1/2 day Basic Induction Refresher
Find out more and book your place here.
There are a series of Tri-Borough training sessions launching soon, which have been created in partnership with Bexley and Lewisham. Look out for emails regarding these as the booking process may be different and will be outlined in the emails.
On Twitter we have been tweeting about national awareness days which have links to useful resources and information. Last month we Tweeted about Stress Awareness Month, the Violence Reduction Programme, Lullaby Trust Baby Check App, NHS 111 and about keeping football safe for children and young people.
If you don’t already, you can follow us on Twitter @GreenwichSCP.